Removing phosphorus from lagoons is typically a matter of binding it to another element (e.g. alum) to create a phosphate floc, then settling or filtering those flocs out of the water.
At Sundridge, our engineers came up with an innovative phosphorus removal solution, which also began to address the issue of managing pH levels in the lagoons. Alum added as part of the alkalinity addition system starts to react with phosphorus and settle in the lagoon system. An infini-D™ Phosphorus Removal System was then installed following the SAGR.
The Zero-Downtime Cloth Disk Filter is the signature component in the infini-D system, which is designed to meet low Phosphorus limits. Influent passes through infini-D cloth media, which removes any suspended solids, including phosphate-rich flocs. One of the benefits to the disk filter media is that each individual cartridge’s filtered flow is visible through dicharge ports. This design allows operators to monitor each cartridge’s operation and quickly isolate a disk’s performance.
A key part of the process that is often overlooked is the mixing that optimizes flocculation, particularly in cold water. The infini-D integrates a rapid-mix zone, for completely mixing the dosed ferric or alum into the wastewater, ahead of a slow-mix tank where floc can form. During the backwash cycle, the filters do not rotate. The vacuum head rotates around the disk while the disk remains stationary. By fixing the filter disks in place, the infini-D eliminates the need for rotating seals, thereby preventing contamination of effluent in the event of a seal failure. Should a filter cloth need replacing, each disk is easily removable without taking the entire unit off-line.
In Sundridge, where they targeted an effluent phosphorus level of 0.27 mg/L, the engineers chose to place the disc filters after the lagoons and the SAGR, so the majority of the phosphate flocs could settle out well in advance, improving the phosphorus-removal performance and further saving operating costs on the disk filters.
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