The Town of Mentone, located in Kosciusko County, Indiana, is known as the “Egg Basket of the Midwest” because of the commercial egg production in the region. With just over 1,000 residents, Mentone is a typical small town, and faces challenges common to many other small communities in North America with the dilemma of an aging lagoon-based wastewater treatment facility and new effluent quality limits.
Mentone’s existing wastewater treatment facility consisted of a two-cell facultative lagoon system providing secondary treatment. This facility was designed to meet effluent BOD5/TSS limits of 25/70 mg/L, but was unable to meet the required National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) limits for Total Ammonia-Nitrogen (TAN) of 9.6 mg/L in summer and 10.4 mg/L in winter.
Mentone, like a majority of small communities in North America, was left with no choice but to upgrade their WWTP. Until recently, mechanical plants were the only upgrade alternative that can meet low nutrients, BOD5 and TSS limits on a year round basis. Mechanical plants require a large infusion of capital for construction, operation and maintenance. The alternative to these costs prohibitive upgrades is to remain non-compliant, which is not an option.
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