The optAER lagoon-based wastewater treatment system is used in a broad spectrum of applications. In comparison to a mechanical treatment facility, optAER process-enhanced sites can be implemented at a fraction of the cost but still maintain the simplicity of a lagoon system. Aeration also provides internal sludge digestion, resulting in minimal long-term solids accumulation, and extending the life of ponds and lagoons.
Of the existing facultative treatment lagoons, only one was kept in operation. The eastern lagoon was taken offline, to be used as a storage facility when needed, in the case of maintenance or bypass of the western treatment cell.
Meanwhile, the western cell was divided into three partial mix aerated cells, which would be operated in series using geomembrane floating baffle curtains. The curtains were used to divert flow and help the WTTF achieve improved year-round BOD and TSS removal through bacterial degradation and solids settling. With aerated partial mix cells, the diffuser density is based upon oxygen demand. The optAER system does not rely on algae or natural surface aeration to provide oxygen to the wastewater.
Aeration aids in the primary treatment of contaminated water in the form of oxygen, as well as residence and contact time for the natural bacteria who ultimately convert wastewater contaminates into carbon dioxide, water, and inert ash. The focal point of the optAER system is the fine-bubble aeration provided by diffusers, which are tied to floating laterals floating on the water’s surface and suspended near the bottom of the pond. If the bottom of the lagoon is uneven, the marine grade suspension rope can be used to suspend the diffusers from the header to allow for uniform diffuser elevations. This location provides protection from ice movement and maximizes the oxygen transfer efficiency of the system.
Laterals are secured against wind action with a stainless-steel cable system. The cables are fastened to anchors in the lagoon berm using a self-adjusting lateral tensioning assembly. All header and lateral piping, joints, and fittings are thermally fused HDPE. With floating laterals, the cells do not have to be dewatered or taken out of service for system installation or maintenance. All maintenance can be performed from a boat with a 2-person crew.
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